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Note: This rubric is an early version (as of Nov. 2023) and may change significantly prior to its use to review new incoming grant applications or future grant applications.

1 2 3 4 5 Rating 1-5
Literature Review No relevant studies on intervention Few studies are relevant but they lack rigor (no counterfactual, high attrition), show limited effectiveness and is not appropriate to the context or environment of grantee Some studies are relevant but  show some promise of effectiveness but still limited by an inappropriate match to environment of grantee Multiple rigorous studies demonstrate significant effectiveness of similar intervention with similar population with strong match to underlying theory or mechanism of change Multiple rigorous studies demonstrate effectiveness of same intervention with same population
Grantee Outcome Data No impact data or information on grantee's participants after the intervention Some qualitative and non representative participant outcome data Outcome data for non representative sample Representative outcome data disaggregated by different participant types Existing outcome data for representative sample, with participant follow up data for more than one year
Grantee Impact Rigor No impact measurement studies or data Output data on people served and activities delivered only, also may have a theory of change Valid impact data with comparison group but not for the same grant’s intervention Grantee reported outcome data with a valid comparison group or baseline comparison 3rd party evaluation of grantee impact with a counterfactual
Impact Data System No customer feedback or data system created Don’t have a standard approach to collecting customer impact data, only informal Have some feedback mechanisms but collect participant feedback data inconsistently Have a somewhat automated and formalized data capture approach that regularly captures feedback or impact data from participants Well integrated process that is formalized, with an impact and data-driven leadership culture, with evidence that data feedback informs practices