Note: This rubric is used assess organizational capacity of new incoming grant applications.

1 2 3 4 5 Rating 1-5
Organization / Team New organization with little to no history of successful execution. Early stage organization (>1 yr old) with emerging leadership. Experienced organization and leadership but <5 years old. No significant experience with proposed work. High capacity and experienced  organization (>5 years old) with proven leadership. High capacity and experienced  organization (>5 years old) with proven leadership, and skills to execute proposed work.
Financial Health Evidence of unstable financial organization or poor fiscal management. Brand new organization. Newer organization with <$2M budget, highly dependent on small # of funders. Financially stable organization with >3 years of consistent growth. Highly financially resilient organization with diverse revenue and stable financial growth. Grant <10% of total annual budget.
External Dependencies
(Partnerships / Ecosystem / operating environment / dependencies) Organization has signaled no interest in exploring partnerships or awareness of external dependencies that may improve project outcomes. Applicant has expressed desire to partner with key stakeholders but has not identified them. Applicant is aware of key partnerships and external dependencies needed and has begun to engage them. Applicant has secured advisors, MOUs or other soft commitments from key stakeholders or implementation partners. Applicant has secured formal partnerships with a diverse group of key stakeholders and additional engaged funder partnerships.
Program Structure New program design with limited to no evidence. New program design with early evidence of success. New program design with strong evidence of success. Existing proven product or service but changed slightly by location, population, or topic. Proven product or service with clear evidence of outcomes.