
The monthly AI Funder Roundtable was founded by GitLab Foundation's Senior Program Officer, Matt Zieger, in early 2023. This is a peer-to-peer funder community and resource for learning opportunities and collaboration related to AI, and has grown to 75 individuals representing 50 unique funders.

Based on engagement levels and the survey data below, we are moving forward with two activities to help turn this peer-to-peer learning community into more of a community of practice and action.

  1. First, we’ve begun organizing in-person meetings and topical sub-groups so members can build deeper levels of partnership with each other
  2. Second, we’re developing a menu of co-investable projects to help organize joint investments, such as developing actionable state or federal labor data, building tools for use across multiple organizations, technical support, and prototyping high-potential projects.

Round Table Goals

  1. Build a supportive peer-to-peer community among funders active in advancing the use of AI to increase economic opportunity.
  2. Share pipelines of potential grantees and related due diligence
  3. Share lessons learned and challenges related to AI projects and proposals
  4. Support the development of shared resources and capacity that improves AI-related grantmaking that advances economic opportunity-related outcomes
  5. Identify and co-fund projects that advance the shared mission of group members

Survey Data from Members