The GitLab Foundation is here to support grantees in publicizing their grants and the work they are performing throughout the duration of the grant and beyond.

Communications Resources

The below information is provided to grantees and partners of the GitLab Foundation as a resource to ensure consistency and appropriate use of the Foundation’s brand in grant deliverables, promotional materials, and other publicly-facing communications efforts. Generally, grantees and partners should share communications materials with the Foundation in advance. GitLab Foundation does not need to approve materials where:

  1. The logo is being used solely to show the Foundation is a funder (i.e., listing on the website, printed materials, other digital content)
  2. Describing the Foundation using provided messaging below
  3. When referencing our website or handbook
  4. When discussing the funded work or program

General Information on GitLab Foundation

Logo and Branding

Grantees are encouraged to use GitLab Foundation logos whenever useful in publications or communications related to the grant. Logos may be listed on marketing documents and website to advertise grantee’s association with the GitLab Foundation.

Whenever possible, grantees should use the full color, horizontal version of the GitLab Foundation logo. This is our preferred way to be recognized.


Please refer to us as ‘the GitLab Foundation’ rather than just ‘GitLab Foundation’ and use the “About” language above to describe us.  Please see more information about our logos and branding in our style guide, where brand assets can be downloaded.

Social Media

The GitLab Foundation has several social media handles you can use to promote the grant announcement. Please note that we primarily use LinkedIn. Feel free to tag us, and please provide us with your own social media handles so that we can support you.