DRI: Partnerships Director

Background and Purpose

The purpose of this engagement plan is to drive awareness of, enthusiasm about, and support for GitLab Foundation from GitLab, Inc employees, board members, and other key stakeholders.

  1. FAQ’s for GitLab Inc.
  2. GitLab Foundation website and Handbook

Key Dates and Events

  1. February-March 2024: Introductory conversations between Ellie Bertani and select GitLab Inc board members
  2. March 11-15, 2024: GitLab Inc. Summit
    1. Foundation team members attend Summit
    2. 12 unconference and workshop sessions hosted
    3. Ellie to meet with multiple GitLab board members
    4. GitLab Foundation to close out Summit with grantees on March 15
  3. Late March/ early April 2024: Onboard Director of Partnerships and Donor Relations
  4. March 27, 2024: Ellie is the featured guest at GitLab’s March E-Board dinner
  5. June 2024: Onboard Community Engagement Manager (with a primary focus on GitLab day-to-day engagement)
  6. TBA: Major funding and partnership announcements

Communications Components and Cadence

  1. AMAs
    1. Fireside chats, town halls, or other in-person touchpoints can be added to the calendar based on interest and performance of the initial AMA
    2. DRI: Elicia / GitLab internal comms
    3. Channel: live video conference
  2. Bi-weekly Slack updates
    1. DRI: Partnerships
    2. Beginning January 23, 2024
    3. Channel: GitLab Inc., Slack (written or video) via Robin to post
  3. Bi-Monthly GTLB internal employee newsletters
    1. DRI: SINA Communications (to produce our content)
    2. Cadence for 2024: April, June, August, October, December
    3. Channel: Internal GitLab Inc. newsletter (written) - not a new newsletter
    4. Process: Rashmi/Legal to review content prior to publication
  4. Quarterly Kick Off (async) and Quarterly GitLab Assembly (sync): Grantee spotlights with intro from GTLF team
    1. DRI: Partnerships
    2. Beginning February 2024
    3. Channel: Recorded video or blog post shared with GitLab Inc. internal chats
  5. Quarterly short video updates from the foundation CEO
    1. DRI: Partnerships
    2. Beginning: late April (end of quarter)
    3. Channel: pre-recorded video to be shared via GitLab Slack channel, internal newsletter, or other vehicle
  6. Social media
    1. DRI: SINA Communications
    2. Focus primarily on LinkedIn
    3. Sid, Robin, Brian, and other board members: as needed for major announcements; options include:
      1. Re-sharing/amplifying GitLab Foundation posts
      2. Posting independently about the Foundation from their personal accounts (content provided by GitLab Foundation team)

Things to Keep in Mind

GitLab Inc. Internal Comms guiding principles

  1. 👁 Be credible, transparent, open, and honest
  2. 🤝 Provide context, reason, and a call to action.
  3. 📈 Be consistent on delivery, cadence, and tone.
  4. ⏱ Respect people’s time and attention.

Foundation’s role as an Internal Comms partner

  1. 📈 Take ownership of your subject matter expertise
  2. 🤝 Give feedback effectively and assume positive intent
  3. ⏱ Embrace change and write things down
  4. 👣 Set a due date and embrace iteration
  5. 👁 Say why, not just what
