Timeline visualization of entire reporting process

We value ongoing collaboration and use verbal and written reports to learn together, improve outcomes, and share insights with the broader community.

Awarded organizations will provide the Foundation with a complete report, including project milestones, financial reports, and outcome reports, no later than approximately sixty (60) days after each one-year anniversary of the contract effective date each year until the end of the grant.

  1. Project milestone reporting: While we allow informal project reports throughout the grant's lifecycle, a formal written milestone-based report is to be provided annually, no later than 60 days after the contract end date, as noted below. (Note that the project milestone and annual impact reports (#2 below) can be the same document.)

    During the lifecycle of a grant there are several meetings that will occur between an awarded organization and GitLab Foundation.

  2. Impact reporting: The GitLab Foundation requires annual impact reporting to facilitate a discussion about key learnings during the grant period, improve effectiveness, capture key insights, and inform the Foundation’s future investment strategy. We prefer, where possible, to have more timely access to outcomes data, with some organizations even providing us direct access to real-time data. A detailed overview of our impact reporting process can be found HERE.

  3. Financial reporting: The GitLab Foundation requires annual financial reports, which should be submitted at the same time as the milestone and impact reports. Financial reports must show actual expenditures against the approved budget and the balance in the award (budget minus actual spending).