Step 1: Receive Task Assignment to Complete a Draft ROI Model

Once an applicant has submitted their concept note, a program officer will notify the Impact Measurement team via Grants and Portfolio Chat Channel, and update the ROI Modeling Pipeline

Step 2: Complete an ROI Model Notes and Assessment

  1. Create a new folder in the Google Drive folder Grant Management > Grantees > Prospects > applicant folder with the naming convention [Grantee Name] [ROI Model]
  2. Make a copy of the ROI Model Notes and Assessment and save copy in the prospect’s [Grantee Name] [ROI Models] folder.
  3. Review the concept note and complete the ROI Model Notes and Assessment document, adding questions to follow up with the program officer and grantee.
    1. Note: the concept note is mostly likely located in the applicant’s GivingData grantee portal, but may also be in Google Drive as a .pdf document.

Step 3: Complete a Draft ROI Model

  1. Make a copy of the North Star ROI Model TEMPLATE and save the spreadsheet in the associated prospective ROI Model folder.
  2. Use the information from the concept note and ROI Model Notes and Assessment document to complete an estimate. The estimate will largely depend on the estimate on the number of people impacted due to the grant and the average income change per person created due to the program’s effect.
  3. Refer to the North Star ROI Methodology guidance document and previous ROI models as needed.

Step 4: Share Draft ROI Model and Share With Program Officer

  1. Once the draft ROI is complete, change the status on the Grants ROI Pipeline sheet to ‘Concept Note ROI Complete’ and update the link to the draft ROI model.
  2. Send a message via Zoom chat Grants & Portfolio Updates channel that includes the initial ROI results and a link to the ROI Model Notes and Assessment document. Additionally, include in the message any questions you have for the applicant.
  3. If the ROI estimate seems likely to be over 100 ROI or below the $1,000 DIL ratio, then recommend to the program officer that the grantee move to the full application step.
  4. Optional - discuss questions and comments associated with the applicant's ROI model with the program officer at the next weekly 1:1 meeting, or request a short meeting with the prospective grantee to clarify impact data.

Step 5: Receive Task Assignment to Complete Final ROI Model

  1. Once the program officer has received the final application, they will notify the impact measurement team that a final ROI model needs to be calculated. They will notify the team via a Zoom chat posted on the Measurement channel, and they will also update the Grants ROI Pipeline sheet.
    1. Note: the final application is in the applicant’s GivingData grantee portal.

Step 7: Complete a Final ROI Model, Evidence Risk Assessment, and Living Wage Analysis

  1. Finish completing the rest of the ROI Model Notes and Assessment based on the updated full application information.
  2. Update the ROI models based on the new and updated application information.
  3. Complete an impact risk assessment (instructions at the link below)

Impact Evidence Risk Assessment

  1. Complete a living wage analysis (instructions at the link below)

Living Wage Analysis

  1. Discuss any remaining questions with the program officer at next 1:1 weekly meeting or set up a zoom video meeting to discuss the remaining questions.
  2. After the final model is completed, the program officer will share the final ROI model with the applicant to provide them an opportunity to provide comments back to the impact measurement team.

Step 8: Update the Grant Slate Document and Database

  1. After an applicant’s grant has been approved at the monthly grant approval meeting, the impact measurement team will update the grant slate document that is prepared for quarterly board meetings. Update the relevant grantee’s ROI values, and before the board meeting complete a weighted ROI calculation and other summary statistics as needed. See this file as reference.
  2. Update the GitLab Foundation Grantee Impact Data file with the associated grantee ROI values.