Approval Matrix


Additional Notes:

  1. The annual amount of approvals must not exceed the foundation’s approved annual budget plus any unexpended funds from prior years that are rolled over.
  2. The GitLab Foundation President & CEO and Director of Operations are authorized signatories, allowed to approve, execute, acknowledge, and deliver in the name and on behalf of the Foundation. This includes physical and electronic signatures and acknowledgments of specified terms and conditions.
  3. The CFO is a signer on all bank accounts and is authorized to manage financial matters and transactions on behalf of the Foundation.
  4. No person may sign any document on behalf of the Foundation unless they are an authorized signatory.

Grant and Program Approval Process

  1. Grant applications are submitted to program officers and are evaluated according the the following process before moving forward: click here to view the internal process for grantmaking
  2. Once a grant application has been evaluated via the internal review process and the team is ready to proceed, the grant is officially approved via the above approval matrix.
  3. One week before each board meeting, the foundation will share a slate of grants for board review (under $999,999 and approval (above $999,999)
    1. In certain circumstances, the Foundation may email the Board to approve grants.

Payment Approval Process

  1. Team members are responsible for submitting invoices and payment requests within their respective areas of responsibility. See guidelines: Submitting Payments and Invoices.
  2. The CFO or contract accountant reviews all invoices upon submittal.
  3. All invoices are entered into the billing system and are reviewed and approved according to the above approval matrix
  4. The CFO pays all approved invoices on behalf of the Foundation
  5. As an additional control, the CFO emails the Treasurer for approval of payments over $50,000 on a quarterly basis. Note that this approval is after the fact.