FY26 Annual Goals
February 1, 2025-January 31, 2026
Overarching goal (North Star): Achieve an impact of >$100 in lifetime earnings increase per dollar spent, or <$1000 to double income for life.
Reach higher: Extend our impact by finding, seeding, and organizing donors around >100X or <$1000DIL projects to drive >$6B in increased lifetime earnings.
DRI: President & CEO
Key Results
- Develop and receive board approval of a three-year organizational strategic plan, including evaluation of organizational structure and capacity needs covering various growth scenarios
- Engage with the GitLab board (quarterly touchpoints), GitLab team members (monthly touchpoints), and Sid and Karen Sijbrandij (monthly touchpoints) to drive awareness, pride, and support for the Foundation’s ongoing work
- Launch three new >1000X systems change initiatives (one in each of our three markets)
- Raise $30M+ in co-funding or direct investment from other funders to extend our impact
- Build our longitudinal wage tracking capability in order to measure our ROI and impact over longer terms
Improve precision and insight: enhance modeling, learning, and long-term impact measurement to drive more strategic investment decisions
DRI: Director of Impact Measurement and Analytics
Key Results
- Launch a longitudinal impact tracking measurement strategy to validate how we impact lifetime earnings by:
- Partnering with 2+ research organizations
- Increasing reporting periods to three or more years with 5+ grantees
- Support 5+ grantees to collect longer-term income data from their participants
- Expand ROI models to enable a broader investment strategy and ensure usability and validity, by soliciting feedback from industry peers when updating the model for:
- Alternative uses of our capital
- Systems change work (including policy change, or narrative change)
- Delayed income effects, where income gains occur in the medium- to long-term
- Evidence risk and probability using sensitivity analysis
- Elevate our learning process with approval of programs and leadership team in order to sharpen our investment strategy through:
- Increasing discipline in our learning process and feedback loops across internal teams and grantees by hosting six learning sessions over the year
- Conducting results-driven analytics to publish 2+ reports identify the leading indicators that predict success or failure
- Identifying qualitative insights across 3 RFP thesis areas (Green Jobs, AI for Economic Opportunity and Learning for Action Fund)
- Improve the precision of our counterfactual datasets so that all models use 2+ counterfactual sources by:
- Accessing or building higher quality Kenya and Colombia income data
- Accessing or building higher quality income data by demographic groups (children, women, refugees, educational level, etc.)
- Partnering with external research partners and funders
- Expand the foundation’s support for impact measurement capacity building by:
- Implementing improvements as recommended from the FY25 L4AF retrospective
- Launching Year 2 of the Learning for Action Fund that supports more grantees than Year 1
- Building upon the success of Year 1 Learning for Action Fund to launch a multi-funder fund to increase evidence-building across the field
Optimize our grant portfolio to achieve higher outcomes than FY25 and build a systems change through a more collaborative and market-informed grantmaking approach.
DRI: Sr. Program Director
Key Results:
- Launch three new >1000X systems change initiatives (one in each of our three markets) informed by market research and outcomes from portfolio to date.
- Consistently implement, as demonstrated by grantmaking activities, a strategy structure across each market that includes target industry sectors, populations, intervention types, structured operating models, and specific systems change targets.
- Work with Partnerships team to secure $20M in follow-on and shared funding for our portfolio, including one or more issue-based funder collaborative, and one larger scale, >$1M funder partnership per market.
- Insights from first grant cycle reports combined with market research drives grant renewal selection and portfolio structure for FY26, increasing average portfolio outcomes through scaling and systems change grants.
- Extend the cycles and impact of our dollars by executing one or more recoverable or non-grant funding mechanisms such as a loan, outcomes based financing investment, guarantee or other mechanism.
Deploy a partnerships-first grantmaking approach, developing organizational infrastructure and relationships with key philanthropic investors to raise $30M+ in leveraged funds.
Chief Programs and Partnerships Officer
Key Results
- As part of the 3-year strategic plan, develop and execute an Ultra High Net Worth (UHNW) Donor Strategy.
- Develop new funder communities to build systems change partnerships with 6+ co-investors for a combined $10M (2:1) in collaborative funding.
- Incentivize partnerships to scale successful laboratory projects through a matching contribution requirement to reach at least $15M in matched funds (1:1)
- Create partnerships with 3 co-investors in Colombia, Kenya, and around new issue-specific funds.
- Raise internal awareness and support of GitLab Foundation with GitLab Inc, as measured by same-level or increased GitLab Inc approved funding for FY27, by collaborating with communications, ESG, and DIB teams to support their goals.