
Team member guide for FY26

Team member guide for FY25

  1. Individual Goal Setting: January-February
  2. Quarterly Performance Reviews
    1. Q1: April
    2. Q2: July
    3. Q3: October
    4. Q4: Mid January-End of Year performance review
  3. High-Performing Team Feedback Sessions
    1. Will take place quarterly during in-person team meetings.
  4. End of Year Performance
    1. December: 360 Degree Feedback
    2. December-January: 1:1 Performance Review
    3. February 1: Total Rewards statements and market data for role shared (and go into effect).

Individual Goal Setting

  1. Each GitLab Foundation team member should draft goals for the fiscal year using the GTLF template. Each goal should be SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound). You will have goals in 3 categories:
    1. Strategic (3 goals): Review the foundation’s annual goals and figure out where you and your current role fit. Ask yourself, what can I do in my role to move the mission forward and help the foundation reach its goals? Each strategic goal will be tied to an annual goal and key result.
      1. Leadership team members will need to align their strategic goals with the organization’s annual objectives.
      2. Each team member will need to align their strategic goals to key results as defined in the organization’s annual goals.
    2. Career & Development (1 goal): Be honest and thoughtful about your career path. What will help you grow in your current role and what can you do in your role at the foundation that furthers those career plans?
    3. Values (1 goal): Think about your work that you perform and our organizational values. How can you make sure that you are focusing on one or more values in your work throughout the year?
  2. Once drafted, share your annual goals with your manager and set aside some time to discuss
  3. After you speak with your supervisor, revise your goals as needed, send a link to the Director of Operations, and inform them if you wish to Opt-In to share your goals with all team members.
    1. Opt-In: Team member's goals will be viewable by their manager, the Director of Operations, and the President & CEO. Team members may keep their goals confidential or share with other team members.

Quarterly Performance Reviews

  1. Approximately two weeks after quarterly GitLab Foundation Board Meetings, team members will discuss their individual performance at a Quarterly Review 1:1 with their manager. Your manager will be responsible for scheduling this call.
  2. Team members will meet with their manager to address the areas below. These quarterly reviews are to discuss your performance over the last three months (from the date of the scheduled 1:1 call). Managers will be notified to complete a review for the team member once the team member submits.
    1. What were your performance highlights over the past three months?
    2. In what ways could your performance have been better?
    3. Are you on track with your annual goals? Any concerns?
    4. What are areas that we can invest in your further development?
    5. Feedback for your manager on how s/he can best continue to support you and your work
  3. Schedule:
    1. Q1: April
    2. Q2: July
    3. Q3: October
    4. Q4: Week of January 13, 2025: End of Year performance review

High-Performing Team Feedback Sessions

At in-person team meetings

These sessions prove an opportunity for team members to share candid feedback to each other in pairs to improve overall team performance.

  1. Pre-work: Please consider in advance what feedback (positive and constructive) you’d like to share with each team member. Ideally your feedback will be specific and include examples. The prompts will be:
    1. “Here’s something you’re doing that’s helping us achieve our goals/helping us be a high-performing team”
    2. “Here’s something you’re doing that’s hindering us from achieving our goals/here’s how you could help us strengthen our team”
    3. “Here’s an offer I want to make OR a request that I have of you” (optional)
  2. In the session:
    1. Each pair will have 20 minutes to discuss (10 minutes of feedback per person)
    2. After all pairs have shared feedback with each other, the group reconvenes. To promote accountability, each team member shares back a summary of what they heard and what next steps they will take.

End-of-Year Performance Process

360-Degree Feedback


As an organization that values results, iteration, and transparency, GitLab Foundation supports all team members in growing and developing through training, coaching, and candid feedback. For that reason, 360-degree feedback will be collected on an annual basis, as one input into the year-end performance process. 360-degree feedback is not a replacement for continuous and direct communication between team members.

  1. Each team member will provide feedback to all of their colleagues, including their manager (except the President & CEO, as team members will have already provided feedback to the Board via the CEO annual review process).
    1. Team members will receive feedback from at least three team members
    2. Team members will be expected to complete up to four surveys each
  2. Managers will not provide 360 feedback on their direct reports, as this would be redundant to the standard performance review.
  3. Individual team members and their managers will receive a copy of the 360 feedback report as will the Director of Operations and President & CEO.
  4. All feedback will be anonymous.
  5. These reviews will be part of team members’ performance histories, used by managers as part of the ongoing performance management process, and may impact salary adjustments.


  1. Review GitLab Inc.’s guide to giving feedback before you start filling out surveys.
  2. Team members will be assigned surveys to complete
  3. Team members will give feedback on all of their colleagues' performance over the year and will have three weeks to complete the surveys.
  4. Individual feedback reports will be shared with the team member and their manager. Team members will receive an overall score on each question, and comments will be compiled and shared.

Receiving Feedback in 360s

Be open to the feedback - the purpose of this process is to help you develop and reach your full potential. Your team mates have taken the time to provide you with their feedback; the perception they have of you is important information and can help you build an action plan as you continue with your work. Some helpful reminders as you review this feedback:

  1. Assume positive intent
  2. Reflect on the feedback that has been provided
  3. Speak with your manager about your feedback in your annual performance review
  4. Prioritize the most impactful actions you can take

1:1 Performance Review with Manager


  1. Schedule: Managers ****will schedule performance evaluation calls with their team members via Zoom
  2. Self Assessment: Team members will complete self-assessments, reflecting on their performance over the past year and identifying areas for improvement; team members should prepare by reviewing their job descriptions, annual goals, quarterly reviews notes, and 360-degree feedback report
    1. Team members should send their Self Assessment and linked materials (annual goals, 360-degree feedback report, job description) to their manager at least 7 days before the scheduled performance call
  3. Written Performance Assessment: Managers will prepare a written performance assessment of each team member based on their job description, annual goals, quarterly review notes, and 360-degree report, among other data points
    1. Managers should send their performance assessment to the employee at least 2 days before the scheduled performance call
    2. Team members will receive overall performance ratings as follows:
      1. Opportunity for Improvement
      2. Successful
      3. Exemplary
  4. Team Member Meeting with Manger:
    1. During the meeting, the manager and team members will review each section of the evaluation, highlighting key points, discussing questions, and summarizing conclusions. At the end of the meeting, the manager will summarize any overarching conclusions and share any compensation adjustments.
  5. Document: The manager will inform the Director of Operations that the performance assessment has been completed by January 21. The Director of Operations will send the performance evaluation for signature and save to TriNet.

Compensation and Adjustments

We believe compensation should be designed to incentivize results and that great performance deserves great rewards. Salary increases and other incentives are based on performance against organizational and individual goals, assessed annually. You can learn more about the Foundation's approach to compensation and the annual compensation review cycle here.

  1. Market Review (November)
  2. Salary Adjustments (February 1)

Promotion Process


The GitLab Foundation believes developing talent internally is critical to our success. We aim to have a transparent, fair, and systematic promotion approach to encourage professional growth, reward outstanding performance, and support our strategic objectives. Full-time team members have two opportunities to pursue advancement at the Foundation:

  1. Applying for a higher-level open role includes going through the hiring process and accepting the position if offered.
  2. Receiving an in-seat promotion is possible when a team member consistently performs well; their manager deems them ready for the next step in their career, an increase in the scope of work and responsibilities required for the function, and the budget allows room for a more senior role.

Philosophy and Criteria

Promotion decisions at the GitLab Foundation are based on a combination of factors, including but not limited to the following:

Promotion Opportunities

  1. Applying for a higher-level open role: A team member may apply for any open position by following the “How to Apply” instructions on any open job posting. Before applying to an open role, team members should share their intent to apply with their manager. When team members apply, they should directly forward their application to the hiring manager and the Director of Operations. Internal candidates will participate in the entire hiring process.
    1. If the team member is hired for the role, the Director of Operations will schedule a meeting with the team member, their current manager, and their future manager to discuss the timeline for transitioning into the new role.
    2. If the team member is not hired for the role, the Director of Operations will schedule a meeting with the team member and the hiring manager for a feedback session.
  2. Receiving an in-seat promotion: Managers wishing to promote a team member should follow the process below. Please note that this process may take up to 45 days to complete.
    1. Identification. During regular performance reviews, managers are encouraged to identify and discuss career aspirations with their team members. Team members should also express their interest in advancement opportunities by communicating with their managers.
    2. Discuss with your manager: Managers who wish to promote a team member should speak with their direct manager and ensure the promotion is within budget and aligns with the organization's future goals.
    3. Discuss with your team member: Managers should speak with the team member about a potential promotion and receive feedback on how to proceed with the recommendation.
    4. Draft new job description: Managers should contact the Director of Operations for assistance in drafting a revised/new job description.
    5. Submit promotion recommendation: Managers should complete and submit this form. The Director of Operations will be notified of the submission automatically and initiate the in-seat promotion process.

In-Seat Promotion Process

If an in-seat promotion occurs during the end-of-year performance evaluation process, steps 1-4 will be modified.

  1. Establish a Promotion Committee:
    1. The team member’s manager and the manager’s manager will comprise the promotion committee.
  2. Compile a Promotion Package:
  3. Evaluation:
  4. Decision Making:
  5. Communication:
  6. Implementation

Promotion Compensation

Salary adjustments for promotions obtained through applying to a higher-level role will depend on the specific requirements of the role and set pay band, with the following factors influencing the variable compensation adjustments:

President & CEO Performance